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Posts Tagged waxing

WAX ME! Health Benefits of Paraffin Wax Treatments

So we all know that when you are offered paraffin wax at the salon, it is a luxurious and fragrant addition to any salon service.  Dip your hands, elbows or feet in the melted wax three times, wrap it with hot towels, and sit.  As the wax cools and solidifies, your hands look like the beginning of a Madame Tussaud wax double, but what it’s actually done is open your pores and create a waterproof layer over your skin that helps to hold onto your body’s natural oils (major benefit).  Then we awe you by gracefully pulling the wax off; revealing soft, silky skin and of course, invisibly hiding from the naked eye, we have just pulled away thousands of dead skin cells.  Even if you are getting your hair colored, you can participate in this awesome skin softening trend-just ask your stylist!  What you probably didn’t know is that you stand to benefit a lot more from this lavish experience than you think.   I’m going to take the professional jargon out of it and keep it simple.  At the end of this post I will list some of the medical dilemmas that paraffin is said to improve upon and you can skim through and see if any apply to you.


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